What is a preferred name and how do I update mine?

A Preferred Name is a display name different than your legal name that shows up in Wayne State applications. It does not change your legal name on administrative and financial records like pay stubs, diplomas, and other documents.

  • If you have changed your legal name, you can contact the Office of the Registrar to update it in university records.
  • A new OneCard with your Preferred Name can be purchased from the OneCard Office.
  • You will only appear in searches as your Preferred Name—be prepared to share your Preferred Name and legal name as appropriate.

How to use the Preferred Name tool

  1. Follow the steps below to manage your Preferred Name.
  2. Log in to Academica at a.wayne.edu with your AccessID and password.

  3. Click the person icon for account settings and then click Account Management.


  4. Click Preferred Name under the Personal header.


  5. Enter your preferred display First Name and Last Name (Middle Name optional) and then click Submit.
  6. Your request has been submitted. Allow up to 48 hours for changes to go into effect.