C&IT is Wayne State University's central IT organization. The Office of the CIO and senior leadership bring together eight robust teams to manage and support Wayne State IT systems and services.
Mission statement
C&IT provides services and resources that support and enhance WSU's learning, teaching, research, and administrative activities. C&IT's primary goal is to provide technology services that enable our students, faculty, and staff to be successful. C&IT strives to provide excellent customer service, respond to the changing needs of the university community, and make it easy and convenient for everyone to use technology at Wayne State.
C&IT management empowers employees, treats them with respect, and encourages innovation and open communication. The division continually seeks out and tries new ideas, and employees are recognized for such efforts. C&IT also ensures that those in management not only have the technical qualifications for their roles but also have the excellent skills needed for motivating and working with people.
Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in technology
C&IT strives to create a diverse and inclusive environment for our students and employees while focusing on equitable representation of minorities in technology, including people of color, women, the LGBTIQA+ community, and people with disabilities.
We value the benefits of creating diverse and inclusive learning and working environments and prioritizing representation among our full-time employees, contract partners, student employees, and interns.
That is why our Chief Information Officer and Associate Vice President Rob Thompson has signed the Educause CIO Commitment on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion along with over 640 other senior higher education leaders.
This national campaign is a promise to raise awareness and create opportunities while collaborating with Educause and other professional organizations for the greater good of the entire higher ed IT industry all while continuing to work with our university partners here on campus to create programs that directly benefit the Wayne State community.