What is a Guest AccessID and how do I create one?
A Guest AccessID is issued to select non-Wayne State University persons who require short-term access to WSU systems and services to directly benefit academic or administrative WSU activities.Guest AccessIDs are available to employees not paid by the...
Do I have to change anything on my email client software when I designate an AccessID Email Name?
If you are using Outlook, Apple Mail or an unsupported email client to send and receive mail from/to your Wayne Connect address, you may wish to edit the Identity setting. All these mail programs have a place in which you can set your identity (the n...
I lost my WSU AccessID. How can I find it?
If you forget your AccessID, you may visit Wayne State University's online directory to find it. You may also use the directory to search for the AccessID of a fellow student, faculty or staff member. Please contact the C&IT Help Desk for help.
Where can I find out about AccessID services for WSU retirees?
The following services are available to Wayne State University retirees: Wayne Connect email and mail forwarding.Access to the Academica portal, including select web-based self-services.Wireless internet access on campus.An optional listing in the W...
As a retired faculty, can I still use my AccessID to access WSU Libraries' remote databases?
Retired faculty may still use their Wayne State University AccessID to access many of the same licensed resources as active faculty. Find more information at
How can I reset my son/daughter/spouse/other relative's AccessID password?
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student's records. Under this law, the C&IT Help Desk CAN NOT reset passwords for an AccessID without receiving the account holder's permiss...
If I'm denied the use of an AccessID Email Name due to a violation of policy, can I appeal it?
You may appeal if you are denied use of an AccessID Email Name. Contact the C&IT Help Desk to do this. Decisions on appeals will be made by the Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer for C&IT.
Why can't I log in to my Wayne Connect email account or Canvas, when I'm able to log into Academica?
There are multiple reasons why you may be able to log in to Academica, but cannot access other services such as Canvas and Wayne Connect email. Applicants do not have access to Wayne Connect or Canvas. Access to Wayne Connect is granted upon acceptan...
What is a Group ID and how do I create one?
A Group ID is a shared Wayne Connect account used by a group of people in one department and/or unit. Group IDs are only available to full-time employees with management authorization and to approved student organizations. Student organization regist...
How long is a Guest ID valid?
Unless the business manager who requested it states otherwise, a Guest ID will expire one year after it is created. One month before the Guest ID is set to expire, C&IT will email an expiration notice to both the guest and the sponsoring dean/vic...
What policies govern my AccessID and email?
There are many policies that govern both Wayne State University AccessID and email services.
How do I get a Group ID account?
If your office or organization requires a group ID, please submit a request. Findinformation on sending email with a group ID at Note: Please read the full instructions on the form to make sure you understand the policies and regulat...
What is Single Sign On (SSO)?
At Wayne State, Single Sign On (SSO) allows you to use your AccessID and password to sign in to most applications, such as Canvas, Zoom, and Microsoft 365 for your Wayne State email.
When do users gain and lose access to Wayne State IT services?
IT service access is controlled by your student and/or employee status in Banner, and by authorization from university Business Affairs Officers and other approvers. Below are explanations of when access to most IT services are granted and removed fo...
How do I use Two-factor Authentication to access services within Academica?
All Wayne State University employees are required to use two-factor authentication to access administrative services within Academica. Follow the steps below to enroll a device for two-factor authentication and to access Academica services. In a web ...
How to update your Mail Delivery and Building Assignment location?
Follow the steps below to change your Mail Delivery and Building Assignment.
What is my WSU email address?
Wayne State users have two automatic email addresses - and Find more details here.
How do I look up WSU Access IDs?
If you do not have a name associated with a WSU AccessID, you can look up the AccessID to get the name of the user. Follow the steps below to search the Wayne State University Directory through Academica.Log in to Academica at Univ...
How do I use my WSU AccessID and email?
New students and employees can follow this overview to get started with Wayne State's email and account system.
Can AccessID email be forwarded to another email address?
Wayne State University students and employees may forward their Wayne Connect email to another email address. Follow the steps below to set up email forwarding. 1. Log in to Academica and click Account Management under the settings icon or log in to...
What should I know about my AccessID password?
New Wayne State University students and recently hired employees are to use the nine-digit personal ID (PID) found on their one card as their initial AccessID password (this number is also mailed to new students upon application). Upon first login, u...
How do I get into my Wayne State account (for email, Canvas, Academica, etc.) when I forget my password?
Wayne State University students and employees can use a Recovery Email Address to regain access to their account and/or password online at any time. How to reset your passwordYou may reset your WSU AccessID password with the Forgot your AccessID or p...
How do I change my AccessID password?
You may change your AccessID password with the Account Management tool in Academica. Do not use any part of your name, AccessID, or email address within your password.Log in to Academica at with your AccessID and current password.Click th...
What is a preferred name and how do I update mine?
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