What is my WSU email address?
Every Wayne State University email user has access to three email addresses. Users may choose one of the following as their preferred address.
- AccessID: Your first address on WSU's central email system is your WSU AccessID, followed by the @ sign and wayne.edu (e.g. xy6789@wayne.edu).
- Name: Another email address is your First.Last email address. For example, a student named James Smith would have the email address james.smith@wayne.edu.
- There may be another person with your first and last name. Check your first.last email address in the Select a Preferred Email Address tab in Account Management accessible via Academica.
- Custom: As an alternative to using either of these two automatically created email addresses, you may designate an Email Name you or your email correspondents can use in your WSU email address.
Learn how to manage these addresses on the C&IT Knowledge Base.
NOTE: Email addresses are NOT case-sensitive.