How to compile with Fortran
Follow the steps below to compile a program with a Fortran compiler.
1. Log on to the Grid.
2. Start an interactive job. Type: srun -q debug -t 10:0 --pty bash
This puts you on a compute node to do compiling on. Never run jobs or compile on the head node.
3. Let's create a simple program to practice compiling. Type: vim hello.f
4. Press i to insert. Type the following lines into the editor; each line has a tab (eight spaces) before it starts:
program hello
! This is a comment line that is ignored by the compiler
print *, 'Hello, World!'
end program hello
Save the file and exit. Press Esc and type :wq, then Enter.
7. Now compile the program. Type gfortran hello.f -o hello
8. Now let's practice creating a job script to submit that will execute the program. Type vim fortran_jobscript
9. Press i to insert. Enter the following into the editor:
# Job name
#SBATCH --job-name fortran_job
# Submit to the primary QoS
#SBATCH -q primary
# Request one node
# Total number of cores, in this example it will 1 node with 1 core each.
#SBATCH -n 1
# Request memory
#SBATCH --mem=5G
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
# Where to send email alerts
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -o output_%j.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
#SBATCH -e errors_%j.err
# Set maximum time limit
#SBATCH -t 1:0:0
cp /wsu/home/zz/zz99/zz9992/hello .
NOTE: Be sure to modify the script using the AccessID and directories specific to your account.
Save the file and exit the editor. Press Esc, and type :wq then Enter.
10. Make sure that the file is executable. You can do this by changing the permissions with the chmod command.
Type: chmod x fortran_jobscript
The file permissions can be checked by entering: ls -alt
11. Submit the job script. Type sbatch fortran_jobscript
The output file shows the program was executed.