How to Run a LS-DYNA Job
Follow these steps to run a LS-DYNA job.
1. Log in to the Grid.
2. From your home directory, copy the supporting tutorial file by typing: cp /wsu/el7/scripts/tutorial/tensile.k .
3. Create the job script. Type: vim jobscript
Press the i key to edit. The following is the contents of a sample job script, enter and edit it as necessary:
# Mail when the job begins, ends, fails, requeues
# Where to send the email alerts
# Create an output file that will be output_<jobid>.out
# Create an error file that will be error_<jobid>.out
ls-dyna-d i=tensile.k ncpus=4 > outputfile.txt
Press the Esc key and type :wq and then Enter to save and quit.
4. Submit the job: sbatch jobscript
Once the job runs the output can be found in the output.file.txt.
1. If you receive an error similar to the following:
Memory is set 83183390 words short
Increase the memory size by one of the following
where ##### is the number of words requested:
1) On the command line set - memory=#####
2) In the input file define memory with *KEYWORD
i.e., *KEYWORD ##### or *KEYWORD memory=#####
Note: This may happen several times a LS-DYNA moves through your setup.
2. If you receive an error with the word Killed then a new job needs to be requested with more memory. To calculate the memory needed in GB for the above example go to this site:
- Select 64-bit
- Enter 300000000 in the WORDS section
- BYTES provides 2.24 which is 2.24 GB, you should then round up to 3 GB.
Modify the memory requested in this line to what is required: #SBATCH --mem=12G