Google Cloud Platform project


Wayne State University and Google have partnered to bring the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to campus. GCP removes barriers for researchers, accelerates research on campus and time to discover, and helps researchers qualify for more grants. This project is led by the C&IT Academic Research Technology team.


  • Qualify for highly secure data control grants 
  • Compliant storage of sensitive data sets 
  • Automation for creating and managing Google Cloud projects 
  • Reduced risk of exposure and data leaks 
  • Ability to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) 
  • Training curriculum to provide required knowledge 


Phase Goals
October-November 2024 
  • Cloud foundations 
    • Build out GCP Infrastructure 
    • Staff training 
January- March 2025 
  • Secure data enclave 
    • Create protected environment for secure data 
    • Staff training 
  • CMCC gap analysis 
    • Assessments, assured workloads, and sandboxes 
    • Knowledge transfer