WarriorGPT AI project


C&IT is collaborating with the Academic Senate to implement a secure and private generative AI platform for students and faculty, designed to mitigate the challenges posed by using intuitional data with external generative AI tools. WarriorGPT is already being used in 70 courses with over 1,400 students and current faculty can sign up to join the pilot group and test the tool now. 

WarriorGPT is a standalone Generative AI chatbot platform that functions similarly to ChatGPT and other AI chatbots and includes its own guardrails. That means Wayne State can control the quality of the data that users get from the tool and the security of any personal or institutional data that is inputted.  

  • WarriorGPT does not learn from user input 
  • WarriorGPT utilizes a large language model pre-trained for ethical engagement 
  • User conversations are not saved in WarriorGPT 


The project team is developing migration to larger scale infrastructure in winter 2025. 

  • Research the means to provide Wayne State students and faculty with a secure and private Generative AI platform for instructional use. 
  • Implement a large language model and chat UI on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 
  • Configure single sign on for new hosted model 
  • Configure chat user interface with Wayne State branding 
  • Develop faculty pilot group to test implementation in fall 2024 courses 
  • Complete hardware requirements benchmarking and prepare for on-premises hardware 
  • Acquire, install, and prepare new hardware for local hosting 

Related university policies and guidelines 

All testing of WarriorGPT should be related to Wayne State instruction and academic goals. Before getting started, please review our guidelines for using AI at Wayne State

Specific policies governing the use of AI tools in coursework are left to the instructor to establish and communicate with their students. We strongly encourage all instructors to talk with their students about the responsible use of AI, course policies, and best practices as they relate to the discipline being taught. The Academic Senate ad hoc Subcommittee for Artificial Intelligence has created sample syllabus language for both including and excluding AI from the classroom. 


Contact Senior Director of Service Management Curtis Kratt for more information.