Faculty remote technology
- Canvas
- lmsadmin@wayne.edu
- 313-577-9457
- Help Desk
- 313-577-4357
- helpdesk@wayne.edu
- Classroom technology
- 313-577-1154
Computers and internet
- University-owned Laptops: University devices should be used to university operations, not personal devices.
- Internet: Private home internet is recommended over public services; If connecting to a public network, use the VPN.
- Wayne State virtual private network (VPN)
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Remote desktop
Communication, online meetings, and file sharing
- Wayne State email (Outlook)
- Microsoft Teams in Canvas
- Zoom in Canvas
- Canvas Announcements
- Microsoft OneDrive file sharing
Additional resources
- Teach Anywhere toolkit
- Canvas FAQ
- Canvas Teacher mobile app: App Store, Google Play
- Lecture Capture FAQ
- Set up Zoom