Computer & Device Security

  • How do I request a change to the firewall?

    To request a firewall rule to be put in place, use the Firewall rule request form.

  • How can I lock my computer?

    It is very important to lock your computer any time that you step away from it. Doing so is an easy and effective way to protect the information on your computer system while it's unattended. When you lock your computer, you safeguard your data witho...

  • How do I protect my Windows computer when using Internet Explorer (IE)?

    C&IT recommends Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers. If you need to use Internet Explorer for a specific application, protect your computer with the security precautions below. 1. Open up a session of Internet Explorer. 2. Click Tools...

  • What are Microsoft Office updates? Why do I need them?

    Microsoft Office has been -- and still is -- a target for hackers and viruses because of its security vulnerabilities. To combat this, Microsoft releases frequent updates and security patches. The best way to ensure you receive these updates is to en...

  • How do I securely encrypt a USB flash drive using a Mac?

    Encrypting a portable USB flash drive is a great way to prevent sensitive data falling into the wrong hands, preventing data breaches and security incidents. This guide will demonstrate how to securely encrypt a USB flash drive within macOS so that t...

  • How do I securely encrypt a USB flash drive using Windows?

    Encrypting a portable USB flash drive is a great way to prevent sensitive data falling into the wrong hands via data breaches and security incidents. This guide will demonstrate how to securely encrypt a USB flash drive within Windows so that the dat...

  • What security settings are available for my iOS mobile device?

    iOS is Apple's popular mobile operating system that runs on the iPhone and iPad. Here are some tips to keep your iOS device secure. However, please keep in mind that your iOS device may differ slightly, as previous generations of hardware may not be ...

  • What should I do if my files or browser are suddenly locked?

    Ransomware is an especially dangerous form of malware. If you receive a notification that you must pay a certain amount of money to use your computer, access files or more, you may be infected with ransomware. Some ransomware will encrypt your files ...

  • What is a digital signature and how do I use one?

    A digital signature is a convenient method of signing documents electronically. Digital signatures can accomplish this in several ways, but are most commonly done using certificates that use a non-reversible mathematical algorithm.

  • How can I protect my computer with antivirus software?

    One of the most important ways you can protect your personal computer (PC) is to download antivirus software and run regular scans. While no antivirus is 100 percent foolproof, there are now many free and often operating system-integrated products th...

  • How can I keep my mobile device safe?

    As mobile devices have become increasingly important in our everyday lives, they have also become a primary target of thieves and hackers. Follow these easy tips below to keep your device and your information safe. Built-in security features Lock you...

  • How do I encrypt common Microsoft Office documents?

    You may have sensitive data in Microsoft Office documents that you would like to have extra protection for. While you may be storing these documents in a secured location (such as a network drive), they may still be vulnerable to attack and disclosur...

  • How do I encrypt individual files?

    You may have sensitive data in your files and/or documents that you would like to encrypt for extra security. While you may be storing your files in a secured location (such as a network drive), they may still be vulnerable to attack and disclosure i...

  • How do I change my preferred search engine in my web browser?

    Follow the steps below to change your browser's default address bar search engine. Microsoft Edge Navigate to the Ellipsis in the upper right corner of the browser and select Settings.Navigate to the Privacy, search, and services options.Navigate dow...

  • How do I set up and use my Wayne State LastPass password manager account?

    Wayne State students have access to a free LastPass password manager premium account. Password managers like LastPass let you keep all your account credentials secure while only having to remember one password. LastPass accounts can be accessed on ph...

  • What are computer operating system updates? Why do I need them?

    Apple and Microsoft frequently release updates for their Operating Systems. You must keep your computer current with these updates to protect against vulnerabilities. Many viruses and worms spread rapidly because this essential task is postponed, putting your data at risk.

  • How do I protect my computer from malware?

    Malware is malicious software that gets installed on yourcomputer. Malware programs:Gather information about your web browsing habits and pass the information on to advertisers.Cause severe damage to your system, such as pop-up advertisements, viruse...

  • How often do I need to back up the data on my personal computer?

    Backing up your data is one of the most important steps you can perform in practicing safe computing. Unfortunately, this step is often overlooked. If your computer hard drive malfunctions or if your computer gets compromised by a virus or hacker, th...

  • What is a firewall? Why do I need one for my computer?

    A firewall is a protective barrier that prevents unwanted sources such as viruses, worms, trojans and other malicious code from accessing your computer or network. Firewalls can be either hardware-based or software-based. These two types of solutions...

  • What security settings are available on my Android mobile device?

    Android runs on the majority of smartphones across the globe. Due to its popularity, it is also the most targeted. Here are some tips to keep your Android device secure. However, please keep in mind that your Android device may differ slightly, as ev...

Multifactor Authentication

Policies, Standards, Guidelines

Security Awareness

  • What services does the Information Security Office offer?

    Incident response The Information Security Office is responsible for managing any reported IT security incident, whether it is a policy violation, large data breach, or a suspected phishing email. Please see this page on how to report an incident to ...

  • What is a data breach?

    A data breach occurs when sensitive, protected, or confidential information has potentially been viewed, stolen, or used by an unauthorized individual. Data breaches may involve personal health information, personally identifiable information, or int...

  • How can I secure my Wayne State account and personal information from a data breach?

    If you have reason to believe that your Wayne State account or related personal information has been compromised, immediately change your password and call the C&IT Help Desk at 313-577-4357 so we can secure your account and escalate the situatio...

  • How do I create or change a password for the user account on my computer?

    Windows Users of any University-owned machines are required to change their passwords on a regular basis. You are responsible for the security of your computer. (For personal computers, learn how to change your password manually at

  • Where can I find information about legislation regarding IT security and data privacy?

    The following is a non-exhaustive list of official government or national association websites (as of December 2014) that deal with federal and state legislation regarding IT security and data privacy.Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)...

  • What is Security Access Management?

    Security Access Management administers connection to Enterprise Applications such as Banner, Xtender/Imaging, Cognos, ODS, Workflow and STARS.A Wayne State University AccessID is required to access Enterprise Applications.Visit the Enterprise Applica...

  • What do I need to know about legal and illegal downloads?

    Don't share content illegally The United States Copyright law (1967), the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) and the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) (2009) state that distributing copyrighted material to which you do not own the copyrigh...

  • What is Wayne State's Information Security Office?

    Wayne State University Information Security Office The Information Security Office (ISO) is a part of the division of Computing & Information Technology at Wayne State University. This team is responsible for network and application security acro...

  • As a department, what do I have to be concerned about when somebody leaves or transfers out?

    When human resources paperwork is processed, and an employee is terminatedfrom Wayne State University, there is an automatic process to remove theBanner, Application Xtender, Cognos, WayneBuy, and any direct Oracle accessthat exists to Banner and Ope...

  • Where can I get up-to-date, trustworthy security information?

    Cyber security Check out these resources to learn more about cyber security and get the latest news to protect yourself: Security news on IT security Check out these resources to get the latest IT security information. SANS Newslett...

  • What should I know about the C&IT Security Awareness Program?

    C&IT is working with SANS to increase Wayne State University employee IT security awareness and knowledge, and to help maintain the privacy and security of university and personal data.

  • What IT security actions can I take myself?

    Security is a shared responsibility—to help protect yourself and Wayne State you should follow all IT policies, including keeping your password secure. Never share your password with anyone including the Help Desk, use approved hardware and sof...

  • How do I report a security incident?

    Timely reporting of any suspected IT security incidents keeps the university secure. Please see below on how to best contact the Information Security Office when reporting a security incident.Reporting a data breachIn the event of a system breach or ...

  • How do I report phishing messages or suspicious emails?

    Wayne Connect has a powerful filter that prevents many malicious emails from reaching your inbox. Some messages do get past these filters, so if you receive a phishing email, follow the steps below:Report a message using Outlook in your web browser1....

  • Where can I find guidelines for creating a secure password?

    A secure password may be the only line of defense your computer possesses. If you have a weak password, a hacker may easily crack it and gain access to all the information that resides on your computer. This is just one of the reasons Wayne State Uni...

WSU Virtual Private Network

  • What is the Remote Campus Connection VPN tool?

    WSU Remote Campus Connection (RCC) is a remote VPN work solution. RCC automatically establishes a VPN connection back to campus when a C&IT-supported computer detects that it is not on WSU's campus and remains connected until the computer detects...

  • How do I install PaloAlto GlobalProtect on ChromeOS?

    ChromeOS users will need to follow the steps below to install PaloAlto Global Protect:You must have your Duo Two-Factor settings configured to receive push notifications through Duo Mobile. Find those steps at

  • FAQs about Remote Desktop (RDP)

    Many Wayne State employees are trying to use this technology.  Please read this FAQ list carefully ... because you may not need to use RDP, and that will save you precious time and energy.

  • How do I install an update for Global Protect VPN client?

    Follow the directions below to install an update for Global Protect, the Wayne State VPN client. The client is usually automatically downloaded for Wayne State DeskTech customers, but manual updates may be necessary in certain circumstances. Connect ...

  • What is the WSU VPN?

    The Wayne State University Virtual Private Network allows access to WSU resources that are blocked by a firewall.

  • Who can use the VPN?

    Only Wayne State University students, faculty, and staff may use the VPN (Virtual Private Network). A WSU AccessID and password is required to log in. Learn more about the WSU VPN at

  • How do I install GlobalProtect and use it to connect to the VPN?

    Wayne State uses GlobalProtect to connect to the VPN. Follow the steps below to download and use the tool on your Windows or macOS computer; ChromeOS instructions are available in a separate article. If you do not have a smartphone or tablet to use f...

  • GlobalProtect stuck at connecting stage on MacOS

    There is a known issue on macOS devices when installing GlobalProtect. If your device is stuck in the Connecting phase, please follow these steps to resolve this issue.

  • FAQs about GlobalProtect VPN

    Review this entire FAQ to determine whether you need to use the VPN