What is Camtasia and who can use it?
Camtasia is a software suite that allows users to create video, audio, and other multimedia recordings via screencasting or direct recording using both Microsoft and macOS devices. Wayne State has a Camtasia license that is available to select facult...
How do I create a link in Canvas course menu?
The Redirect Tool app in Canvas can help you create links to external web resources (a research database, a YouTube playlist) that show up as navigation items on the left-hand side of your course page. How to add a Redirect Tool link to the navigatio...
How to rename courses
Course names can be changed through the Course Tools function in Canvas. Follow the steps below to learn how to change the course name on Canvas.
How do I upload a test, survey or pool to Canvas using Respondus?
If you have not used Respondus test builder software in over a year, you will need to update your version with the newest licensing information. This can be found in Canvas, in Help -> Faculty Resources -> Downloads.Follow the steps below to up...
How to view and download course roster
The View/Download Course Roster option is available for instructors wanting to see the class list or email students before (or after) the course is published.
How to search course content in Canvas
The Search Course Content option allows instructors to quickly search and find specific content within their course such as quizzes, assignments, etc.
How to build course links
Using the Build Course Links tool, you can create an index page for your course content as shown in the following article. Note: Note that the Course Tools option must be enabled in the course navigation menu before proceeding. Below are the steps f...
What are New Quizzes in Canvas and how do I use them?
New Quizzes is a new quiz engine available in Canvas alongside classic quizzes. Quizzes created with New Quizzes have increased functionality, including more question types like hotspot, categorization, matching, and ordering, as well as more moderat...
What is Turnitin Similarity and how do I use it?
Turnitin Similarity is a plagiarism detection tool that is used in Canvas to review assignments. Assignments are compared to an internet database and given a percentage score based on how much content is identical to existing resources.Turnitin Simil...
Faculty Canvas FAQs
In addition to the LMS Support team and the Office for Teaching & Learning, everyone at Wayne State University has access to the Canvas Guides at Guides provide documentation for all of the...
How can I view all discussion board responses on one page?
The Discussion Post Aggregator collects and displays all discussion board responses on one page
How do I restore deleted items?
Use this tool to view a list of recently deleted items and restore them to your course.
Canvas guide for students
This guide will provide links to Canvas support articles for students.
How do I start a Microsoft Teams Meetings in Canvas?
The Microsoft Teams Meetings LTI allows customers with Microsoft accounts to create conference calls (meetings) using the Microsoft Teams integration with Canvas.
How do I access Canvas?
Follow these steps to access Canvas from your web browser and mobile device.
How can I change what courses appear on my Canvas dashboard?
You can change what courses appear on your Canvas dashboard by setting them as your Favorites.
How do I access new quizzes in Canvas with the Lockdown Browser? [workaround]
Follow the instructions below to access New Quizzes in the Lockdown Browser. These instructions are for students; instructors do not need to make changes to the quiz. 1. Log in at with your AccessID and password on Chrom...
Blackboard Data FAQ
I taught courses in Blackboard. What happened to my course content?All course content in Blackboard from January 2015-August 2018 were transferred to Canvas. You can access these courses by logging into Canvas and clicking Courses in the menu on the ...
How do I integrate Microsoft Teams into a Canvas course?
Microsoft Teams is now integrated with Canvas, allowing users to access class teams within their Canvas course. The following features are included with the integration:
FAQs about Respondus LockDown Browser
Software that students use to securely take an exam or quiz. The test taker cannot open a new tab, print, or search while taking an exam using Respondus LockDown Browser. Students download the LockDown Browser software, launch it and then login to access Canvas and take the exam.
How does an instructor enable Respondus Lockdown Browser on an assessment?
Canvas instructors can follow the steps below to enable Respondus Lockdown Browser on an assessment. In the Navigation Panel click LockDown Browser.Click the drop-down arrow to the left of the assessment name.Click Settings.Under LockDown Browser Set...
What faculty resources are available for Canvas?
Faculty have access to a variety of resources to learn new tips, tricks, and features of Canvas.
What course tools can faculty use in Canvas?
Every Canvas course contains a Course Tools link located in the course navigation menu. These tools contain custom Canvas functions that simplify administrative tasks.
How do I crosslist a course in Canvas?
Crosslisting your courses allows you to merge multiple courses into a single Canvas course shell.
Course Information Matrix
What is the Course Information Matrix and how do I use it?
The Wayne State University Course Information Matrix or CIM is an online resource that allows students to search through information about past sections of a course to help them decide which classes to register for in the future. Instructors are empo...
Are instructors required to use the Course Information Matrix?
No, instructors are encouraged to add materials to the Course Information Matrix (CIM) because this information is valuable to students during the registration process. However, participation is completely voluntary.
Can I remove materials from the Course Information Matrix?
Yes, instructors may remove items from the CMI. To do so, simply log in and locate the specified course. Un-check any items you no longer wish to share and click submit.
Why can’t I find a course in the Course Information Matrix?
Instructors are not required to add materials to the Course Information Matrix. If you are unable to locate a course in the database, the instructor has not provided materials. We recommend reaching out to the instructor directly with questions about...
Lecture Capture
How do I embed Echo360 media into my Canvas course?
You can use the Echo360 Embed Media plugin tool to add media directly to your Canvas course content. To access the Echo360 Embed Media button Click the plugin icon from the Rich Content Editor toolbar from any Canvas content window (e.g., adding Page...
How can I view analytics for Echo360 media in my Canvas course?
The Echo360 Analytics tool allows Instructors to view consolidated analytics for all Echo360 media associated with the Canvas course. This interface includes summary and detailed analytics for media embedded in the Canvas course as well as media link...
How to publish Cloud Recordings from my Zoom meetings to Echo360?
Echo360 allows you to publish scheduled Zoom meeting cloud recordings into your Echo360 Library. Note: Zoom Cloud Recordings are automatically deleted from Zoom after 200 days but will remain in Echo360 if the Zoom Settings are enabled in Account Set...
Who can use Echo360 lecture capture?
All faculty at WSU can use Echo360 with their Canvas courses to provide high-quality video to their students.
How do I log in to Echo360 lecture capture?
Faculty and Students can log in to the Echo360 platform to download Universal Capture software and manage recordings (create, review, upload, edit, share, etc.).
How do I find the Echo360 Universal Capture: Personal download?
Universal Capture: Personal (previously Personal Capture) software allows you to record desktop presentations from your own personal computer at any time or place. These recordings are stored in your personal Echo360 Library and can be published in y...
What is the Echo360 Library and how do I manage content?
The Echo360 Content Library is used to store all recorded, shared and uploaded content. All content owned by the instructor can be selectively shared with individual colleagues or students, or shared with a Canvas course.
How do I disable class content downloads in Echo360?
By default, students and instructors can download content published to a class. Follow the steps below if you do not want students or other instructors to download your classroom content. Login to Canvas.Navigate to the course where you want to disa...
How do I enable or disable Echo360 course section features?
The Features tab of the Settings page for a section provides the ability for instructors to enable or disable certain features surrounding the content they post to classes. Instructors can choose: Whether users can post questions and responses (Q&am...
Which classrooms are equipped with Echo360 lecture capture technology?
Wayne State classrooms equipped with Echo360 Lecture Capture technology
How do I share existing Echo360 recordings to my course?
Follow the links below to Share existing Echo360 recordings in your Canvas course.How do I embed Echo360 media into my Canvas course?How do I share (publish) media to my Echo360 course?
How do I upload media to the Echo360 content server?
Here is how to upload rich media content to your Echo360 account.
What is Echo360 lecture capture?
Wayne State University has migrated its lecture capture system to the Echo360 cloud. This new platform allows instructors to capture teaching materials, speeches and other events using Echo360 recording technology. Recordings can feature audio, video...
How can I schedule automated recordings for my classroom lectures?
All faculty can request access to Echo360 in their courses.
How can I enable or disable Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for a course in Echo360?
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a service that uses computers to translate speech into text and sync the text with the video. Instructors may use the following steps to enable or disable the ASR toggle for each of their Echo360 course sections.
How do I connect my ORCID ID to Wayne State?
ORCID is an independent non-profit organization that provides a persistent identifier, an ORCID iD, that distinguishes you from other researchers and a mechanism for linking your research outputs and activities to your iD. ORCID is integrated into ma...
Using Digital Gift Card incentives with Qualtrics
Offering an incentive to respondents can help boost the response rate for your survey but managing the giveaway can be a headache. If you can fund gift cards as an incentive, Qualtrics has an integrated approach to administering such a program. Learn more by reading this short article!
Creating and using a Qualtrics User Group
Are you working with a team on several different Qualtrics survey projects? If so, setting up a Qualtrics User Group helps the team keep their work in sync.
How to configure your Qualtrics survey to require respondents to login with their AccessID?
If your target audience is strictly Wayne State students, faculty or staff, you can ensure that respondents are authorized to take your survey by using the SSO Authenticator. Just follow the simple steps in this article.
How can I get feedback on the quality of my survey?
There are several different ways to get feedback about the quality of the Qualtrics survey that you are working on. Read this short article to find out more.
How can I protect my survey from getting duplicate or fraudulent responses?
Qualtrics has security options and other features that minimize the chances of getting invalid responses to your survey. Read this short article to learn more!
What are the Features of WSU Qualtrics?
Qualtrics offers a wide range of features and specialized products with its online survey software. Read this short article to learn more about exactly what is included in Wayne State’s license agreement.
How can I distribute Qualtrics survey invitations?
There are two different approaches to promoting your Qualtrics survey to your target audience. Read this short article to learn which approach best meets your needs plus find out some good things to know about getting humans to respond to your survey.
How can I contact Qualtrics support?
If you need technical assistance with any aspect of this survey software, you can work directly with experts at Qualtrics. With your permission they can screen share with you to see exactly what is going on. Just follow the steps in this short article to contact the Qualtrics support team.
Student Tracking and Advising
How do I enlarge my display screen so I do not have to scroll so much in STARS 2.0?
Follow the instructions below to enlarge your screen display in STARS 2.0 and eliminate the need to scroll side-to-side.
How do I change the data columns that appear in STARS 2.0?
Follow the instructions below to change which columns are displayed in STARS 2.0. Use the Edit Columns button to add or remove the columns and display what you need to see on the search results, courses, GPA, etc.
How do I access reports in STARS 2.0?
Follow the steps below to access Cognos reports in STARS 2.0. Select the paper icon on the left navigation pane.
Where can I find training resources for STARS 2.0?
STARS 2.0 training videos are available at
Who are STARS 2.0 super users?
Find a list of super users per school/college and their contact info at
What are STARS campaigns and watchlists? How do I use them?
Campaigns are targeted messages that select users with STARS Advisor or Manager access can send to groups of students within the STARS application to remind them to take action related to their academics, including scheduling advising appointments, r...
What is STARS?
The Student Tracking Advising Retention System (STARS) is a web application that interacts with a collection of Wayne State University databases. It is designed to enable convenient access to university data at both an individual and aggregate level ...
What is WarriorGPT and how do I use it?
WarriorGPT is a secure and private generative AI platform for Wayne State students and faculty, designed to mitigate the challenges posed by using intuitional data with external generative AI tools. WarriorGPT is available for faculty via Canvas if t...
Scheduling and hosting Zoom meetings
This article contains tips and tricks for hosting Zoom meetings.
Participating in Zoom meetings
This article contains tips and tricks for participating in Zoom meetings. Note that some features may be disabled by the meeting host.
What is the difference between Zoom and Microsoft Teams?
View a complete list of differences between Zoom and Microsoft Teams to decide which is right for you.
How do I create a Zoom account using the Wayne State license?
Learn how students, faculty, and staff can establish a Zoom account using the Wayne State license
Upgrading to a Wayne State Zoom license from a free account
If you created a free Zoom account using the format, here's how you can upgrade to the Wayne State license.
How do I download and setup Zoom on my device?
You can download Zoom on your computer and smart devices, including smart phones and tablets.
How do I add the Zoom meeting add-in to Outlook?
Microsoft Outlook has add-ins for Zoom, making it easy to schedule meetings on your Wayne State calendar.
How can I prevent Zoom from recording meetings with confidential information?
If you are hosting an online meeting where confidential information such as student records or health care data is being discussed, you can protect the privacy of individuals by turning off all of the recording features within Zoom.
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a web meeting tool that allows students, employees, and faculty to meet virtually.
Securing Zoom meetings
This article contains tips and tricks for keeping your Zoom meetings secure. Zoombombing - the act of joining and disrupting a Zoom meeting - has become a common practice. Prevent unnecessary distractions in your meetings by following these practices...
Using Zoom in Canvas courses for faculty
C&IT has added Zoom integration to Canvas, making it easier for faculty to hold class sessions online.